Farewell for Dan.com

On September 12th, 2024, they had announced that Dan.com will be merging with Afternic. This process will start soon with the launch of the Migration Center. All the details in the article.


Ilhan Irem Yuce

9/16/20241 min read

Dan.com to Retire: Transition to Afternic Underway

It’s hard to say whether this is good or bad news, but it has certainly left me feeling a bit nostalgic. As many of you know, GoDaddy acquired Dan.com for $71.4 million, and as of September 12, 2024, the transition process has officially begun.

Yes, it’s true – Dan.com is being phased out by GoDaddy.

The popular domain marketplace will soon be integrated fully into Afternic.com. With the merger now in motion, GoDaddy has clarified the details of the migration to address the many questions raised by the domain community. The dust has settled, and it’s time to move forward.

Dan.com has outlined the migration process on its website, and users have the option of either self-migration or auto-migration. Here’s what will carry over to Afternic during the transfer:

  • Active domain listings

  • Buy It Now prices

  • Make Offer minimums

For those looking for the full breakdown, you can find all the details through this link.

While it’s bittersweet to say goodbye, we extend a heartfelt thanks to Dan.com for its exceptional service over the years. Here's to the next chapter.